Ankle Series

The ankle forms the primary connection between your body and the environment around you. Because of this, tremendous forces travel through this area during ground-based activities. These demands require both high degrees of mobility, strength and stability. These extensive demands make it increasingly susceptible to injury, and that's why ankle pathologies represent a large percentage of total injuries obtained during sport and competition. If you've had a history of ankle issues, this series is for you.


This is the second session you'll do each week for the first three weeks. Every exercise has a video and

explanation attached to it. Complete in order, and repete for 3 rounds.

Exercise 1 - Dynamic Penguin March

  • Pull ankle and toes up HARD each rep

  • Push down Hard to keep heel as high as possible

  • 30 reps total (15/Leg)

Exercise 2 - Deficit Calf Raise

  • Push toes down into the floor

  • Controlled up and down

  • 20 reps per leg

Exercise 3 -Front to Back ATW

  • Can go clockwise or counter-clockwise

  • Keep a soft knees bend

  • 12 rotations per leg

Exercise 4 - Heel Walk

  • Focus keeping balance on outside of foot

  • Soft knee bend

  • 30 steps forward and back