Hip Series

Almost everyone will experience groin, hip and lower-back pain at some point in their life. Like most things in life, there is no gold-standard, catch-all approach to protecting your groin, hips and lower-back from pain or discomfort. With that said, there is certainly more effective, and less effective, approaches.

While no program can guarantee protection from an injury, it certainly can reduce the risk. You'll never know about the injuries you never get, is one of the biggest dilemmas that makes measuring the impact of these interventions difficult.

This is by no means the first injury-mitigation program for the hips. They are everywhere. The vast majority are missing one critical feature. They are either strengthening the back, or strengthening the hips. Very rarely, do programs do both.

By treating the back and hips as a unit, yields asymmetric results by attacking and hunting capacity in both. Because of this, the prevention programs follow a simple philosophy, develop strength across all the tissues that act on the hip and back. Then once they're strong, expose them to a graded increase in force and complexity as your tolerance improves.


This is the second session you'll do each week for the first three weeks. Every exercise has a video and explanation attached to it. Complete in order, and repete for 3 rounds.

Exercise 1 - Plank with Hip Flex

  • Pull ankle and toes up HARD each rep

  • Push through shoulders

  • 10-12 per leg

Exercise 2 - Side Plank Clam

  • Think about rotating at the hip

  • Controlled up and down

  • 12-15 reps per side

Exercise 3 - Dead Bug

  • Keep lower back connected to the floor

  • Stay slow and controlled

  • 8-10 reps per side

Exercise 4 - Hip Bridge Abduction

  • Focus on keeping hips neutral

  • Keep hips high through each rep

  • 10-12 reps each side